Online Casino: Myths and Facts

In this era of the internet, online gambling and live betting in Kenya have become a part of many people’s lives. The number of online casinos has increased over the years, and millions of online gamblers worldwide play at these online casinos.

This has led to specific myths and facts about online casinos that need to be debunked. Some of these are quite simply just the myths that online gamblers have heard over the years. Since it is such a vast world of its own, it cannot be evident to those who have never gambled online before. As such, you need to know what you are getting into before you dive in and start betting online.

Online casino websites will often tell you that online casinos are no different from live casinos. The only difference is that they do not require you to have a credit card or any upfront payment information. This statement is one of the biggest online casino misconceptions out there, simply because it is misleading at best and downright fraudulent at worst.

In the past, if you wanted to play online casinos, you had to pay to get access to online casinos. This used to be a real hassle and required you to provide a lot of personal information, including your name, address, phone number, social security card number, etc.

This can cause problems for individuals who need to use a prepaid credit card or check to make online transactions. This can easily allow identity theft to happen and make online gaming extraordinarily inconvenient and frustrating. Luckily, online casinos now do not need to hold this information to not collect any money from you to get a service or process a transaction.

Another misconception is that online casinos are associated with certain harmful elements such as fraud and scams. This is another myth but is simply untrue. The online casinos are secure, and your security is the number one priority when you choose to play online.

This infographic by Chezacash lists some of the online casino myths commonly believed by many and the facts that debunk them all.
